
September 2022 – April 2023


The Club offers a variety of leagues in pairs, triples as follows:


10:30-12:30 Open Triples

2:00-4:00 Australian Pairs

6:30-8:30  Open Pairs


10:30-12:30 Open Triples

6:30-8:30 Open Pairs


10:30-12:30 Open Triples

6:30-8:30 Open Triples


10:30-12:30 Open Triples


10:30-12:30 Open Pairs

6:30-8:30 Open Triples




10:30-12:30 Open Pairs


If you want to play team games without committing to a league then why not join in the ‘Jumbles’ games on Wednesday afternoons (2:00-4:00pm) and Friday evenings (7:00-9:00pm). Teams are selected prior to play. Just enter your name on the list posted on the noticeboard by the stairs or contact the club by phone or email and ask for your name to be added.

Friendly games

Friendly games are played on a regular basis, dates and times are displayed on the notice board, please feel free to nominate to play, or even just come down to watch and support your club!

Social Bowling

If you just want to practice by yourself, or play amongst friends then the green is also available to you, whenever there is a space. It is always best to speak to reception to book a rink so that you won’t be disappointed.

Dress Code

For social bowling any clean and tidy clothes may be worn. In organised games players must wear a WHITE or Recognised Bowls Shirt with Black/Grey trousers/shorts/skirt. For representative games the dress code will normally be Black trousers/shorts/skirt and Club shirt. Any changes will be included on team selection notices.